Call Us: 800-970-8713

Washington, DC

Same Day Washington, DC Nationwide Delivery and Courier Service

Emergency Delivery Service offers IMMEDIATE pick-up for shipment and delivery in all 48 States. From big boxes to small stacks of documents, when your package can’t wait for tomorrow to be delivered, Emergency Delivery Service gets it there TODAY.  Emergency shipment is handled with precision and pride, 365 days a year

  • Time Critical Delivery
  • Expedited Delivery
  • Delivery to all 48 States
  • Next Flight Out
  • Direct drive to city
  • Chain of custody and proof of delivery records
  • TSA Certified Indirect Air Carrier

Get it there today…

For urgent same day delivery for when tomorrow is just too late, our fleet of courier are on stand-by 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week. Whether you have a package urgently required across United States or a truck load for same day twe can react promptly and professionally.  Whatever the size of freight we can offer a practical solution tailored to your requirements.

TSA Indirect Air Carrier

TSA Certified Indirect Air Carrier, and we are happy to offer our clients exceptional next-flight-out deliveries.

Our services include same-day time-critical deliveries within North America and air freight shipments with airport drop-off. We can assist you with next-flight-out and with a hand-carry onboard courier who will escort your sensitive packages and confidential documents. We can also assist you with air freight shipments and make sure they are delivered to their destinations quickly and efficiently.


  • Due to current TSA restrictions, we can only accept packages (weighing 16 oz or greater intended for air transportation)
  • Shipments can be up to 70 lbs., not exceeding 90 inches total (L+W+H; no one side may exceed 48′). Exceptions may be allowed under certain circumstances.
  • Release forms are required.


From the pickup point to the processing facility, material integrity is managed and monitored with scanning and tracking devices that provide real-time reports. It’s this complete process chain that gives our clients the same-day logistics solutions they seek and trust.


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